STARS - 2013
Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Software and Platforms


Figure 5. Tasks of the Scene Understanding Platform (SUP).

SUP is a Scene Understanding Software Platform written in C and C++ (see Figure 5 ). SUP is the continuation of the VSIP platform. SUP is splitting the workflow of a video processing into several modules, such as acquisition, segmentation, etc., up to activity recognition, to achieve the tasks (detection, classification, etc.) the platform supplies. Each module has a specific interface, and different plugins implementing these interfaces can be used for each step of the video processing. This generic architecture is designed to facilitate:

  1. integration of new algorithms in SUP;

  2. sharing of the algorithms among the Stars team.

Currently, 15 plugins are available, covering the whole processing chain. Several plugins are using the Genius platform, an industrial platform based on VSIP and exploited by Keeneo.

Goals of SUP are twofold:

  1. From a video understanding point of view, to allow the Stars researchers sharing the implementation of their work through this platform.

  2. From a software engineering point of view, to integrate the results of the dynamic management of vision applications when applied to video analytics.